Some logistics first. President has approved that I go home 3 weeks early, 7 Aug 2012, so I can have some time with my family and get situated for school. I have everything squared away with the U for school minus verification that all is in order with ROTC. I have tried a few days in a row to get a hold of them with no luck. I will keep on that this week and let you know how things turn out. Everything should work out.
I have just over 5 months left. I cannot believe it. It has gone by so fast. I have had so many wonderful experiences. But it is not over yet. This is the time of my mission I feel I will be most effective in helping others including myself. I am trying so hard to follow what the Spirit directs me to do. Doing this I have noticed in even more detail than before the importance of standing in Holy Places and seeking the companionship of the Holy Ghost. It is a feeling I never want to be without. And if ever I am I want to find it quickly again.
I feel I have changed for the better on my mission. I feel I have a better understanding of who I am and who the Lord wants me to become. I feel I know with greater clarity than ever before the difference between right and wrong. And I feel my testimony of this Gospel has increased beyond what it ever could have. Also if I have learned anything on my mission I have learned the importance of being who you are...only better. I do not want to become the returned missionary who is always looking down his nose at others. I have no right to. I am me and no one else. I love what the Lord has made of me over these past 18 months. I love what I am yet to become. And I strive to always remain humble to that fact.
Everyone in my life has set such a wonderful example for me and I want to share my gratitude for them. Often times I have chosen not to follow these examples and to my own discredit I found they knew better than me. Yet my pride stood in the way. I am forever grateful for my family who has always supported me despite my follies. For my friends who always pushed me to do the right thing, I thank you. Those that deserve the most credit would be my immediate family. To Mom and Dad who doubtless spent countless hours praying for me and discussing my future and how to help, and to my two beautiful sisters who, through the relationship between them, have shown me the importance of siblings and how much love they deserve and can offer, to Samuel, my buddy, you motivate me to be a better person each day; I thank you all.
This opportunity to serve the Lord has been one of the greatest quests I have entered into in my life. With 5 months left, the Lord can expect more than my best. The Spirit of God lights this work up. There is no greater source of light in this world than the enlightening teachings of the Spirit. May you always find yourself under His influence. May you build your relationship with your Father in Heaven through prayer and worship. May this world offer you opportunities that help you to realize your potential and may you get up when you fall.
If you were to ask me what I love most about being a missionary I would have to say the change. Change is good, when it is good.
I love each and every single one of you!
It's the final stretch...Here We Go!!!!!
Elder Cronin
Yes, this is a boa!! |
A little fun with Frisbee golf! |