Nevada Las Vegas Mission - Provo MTC, Elko, Las Vegas

While Elder Cronin is busy serving the Lord, and the people of the Nevada Las Vegas Mission, we will be busy keeping you all up to date on his adventures. Please visit often, we appreciate your support!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday of General Conference - October 3, 2010

I have about 40 minutes until the final session of this General Conference begins so I thought I would share an exciting 'happening' with you all!! By now you all probably know that Elder Cronin was one of the 354 elders chosen to participate in the MTC Choir that sang during Priesthood Session last night. I'm not sure how they selected the Elders for the choir. Todd does have a good voice, anyway! He was so excited about being  a part of that choir. I can only imagine that it was a very wonderful experience for him. Now, as a missionary mom, I will have to say that I was thrilled at the chance of seeing him for even a split second. In a sea of dark suits, white shirts, and close cut hair, I thought I might have to strain a bit to find him. Most missionary families never see their missionary in action while they are out serving. So just the chance of seeing him is truly a blessing. Well, Priesthood Session runs for 2 hours on Saturday evening. There is always an opening hymn, a hymn in the middle somewhere, and a closing hymn. The kids and I were doing our own things last night, Callie and Olivia off with the Young Women, and Samuel and I watching a Netflix movie. At exactly 8:51 pm Central Time, 9:51 Eastern, I received a text from Nathan (my nephew) and it said "Just saw Todd!!!!!" Well, I was thrilled!! Then came a text to Olivia from her friend here in Georgia. Her dad had texted her from the Church building and said he just saw Todd. Jeff was at church and was able to see Todd first hand!! Todd was the first close-up during the closing hymn!! So, thanks to wonderful modern technology, I went to the LDS website (, pulled up the Priesthood session of conference, and clicked to the end the the session and watched the closing hymn. Not only did I see Todd, they kept the camera on him for about 4 1/2 seconds!!! That's a lot of air time for that small group of Elders!! He was singing his heart out and I'd have to say he sure looked good!! I am sure this week's letter from Elder Cronin will be full of details about this experience. If you want to see him, please go to and click over to the end of the session, he can be found at the 1:50:41 time spot. He has the black rimmed glasses on!!

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