Nevada Las Vegas Mission - Provo MTC, Elko, Las Vegas

While Elder Cronin is busy serving the Lord, and the people of the Nevada Las Vegas Mission, we will be busy keeping you all up to date on his adventures. Please visit often, we appreciate your support!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 24, 2011 - The Best Week Ever!!


This has been one of the most exciting weeks of my mission so far! It was filled with ups and downs and blessings and trials. I can honestly say that the Elder Cronin I am now is a much better mortal than the Elder Cronin I was at the beginning of last week because of the events of this week.

To start, Ashley and Eric were baptized this past Saturday! There were about 80 people there so we held the service in the chapel to accommodate. Ashley's family came to support. Her husband baptized her. Her grandfather, a temple worker at the Manti Temple, confirmed her the following day. Her less active mother came and other family members as well, including her 16 year old brother who we are trying our hardest without being overbearing to teach. The Spirit was intensely strong at their baptism. Eric had quite the following as well. He is 17 and it seems the whole highschool knows who he is. Every youth we ask, member or not, knows him or knows of him. His parents are not members and if you recall we all fasted in the Valle Verde ward a few weeks ago for his parents to allow him to be baptized and they gave consent that night! Eric's father actually got up and bore his testimony of his gratiitude for our acceptance of him and our love for him during the baptismal service! I was so happy to see him do that. Afterward, the following days and still today, there is something different about the two of them, Ashley and Eric. They glow with happiness and peace. Eric seems to talk more, he was always fairly quite during the lessons. In fact, the only time he talked was when we asked him questions. I was surprised after the baptism when Eric came up to me, shook my hand and looked me in the eyes and said, "I just want to thank you all for everything." Truly he's the one that deserves the thanks. With the example he is setting in such a volatile environment as high school he is the one truly doing missionary work.

Ashley's remarks after the baptism were enlightening as well. She asked what happens to us, Elder Holt and myself, now that she's baptized, do we stop coming by? We've developed a great relationship with Ashley and her husband Mark and their 1 year old Carter so it was great to hear that the love we feel for her is felt for us as well as she worries that we'll stop coming by. Which we won't. 

At the beginning of the week it was time to wrap up the lessons with Violet. The only thing we had left to teach her was the commandments. Lesson 4. This included teaching the Law of Tithing and the Law of Chastity. The night we scheduled to go over there it so happened we had District Leader exchanges. Which meant that Elder Holt went with the District leader to his area and Elder Jones came with me to Violet's lesson. Elder Jones is very shy so I did most of the teaching. I have never taught these two commandments on my own. I've always had a senior companion to guide the lesson when it came to those commandments. They have the experience of dealing with reactions of others. So this was my first time. And it was a trial by fire. We taught the law of Chastity first. It's a simple commandment and we don't spend too much time describing the commandment. We simply say that the Lord has commanded us not to have sexual relations before marriage. After teaching this to Violet I did like we always do and invited her to live the Law of Chastity. She said she could not! Ahh, my mind raced and my heart pounded as I searched for the correct response. My first reaction was to say, "Well then, you cannot be baptized." But the spirit restrained me and gave me the words to say. Having not ever been in this situation before I know that the Spirit guided each and every word that came out of my mouth next. After a short discussion she recognized the importance of the Law of Chastity and agreed to live it! Whew, I was relieved. That, in my mind, was the only commandment she might have struggled with. So I began to teach her the Law of Tithing next. However, she refused to live it! Another spirit led discussion followed which included the importance of her willingness to live the commandments in order to be baptized, yet she still refused, citing her financial situation as the reason. This was a surprise to me because she was the one who came to us asking to be baptized and reminds us constantly that she is excited about her baptism. We left the house that night in less than high spirits. However, we did leave her with the commitment to pray for the ability to pay her tithing. The following day, Sunday, we were faced with a dilemma as we needed to announce her baptism in sacrament meeting. We could not do this without her commitming to live the Law of Tithing. Two hours before sacrament meeting started we called her to see how her prayers went. Her response was a direct blessing form heaven both for her and for us. She said she now believes in the Law of Tithing and after praying and talking it over with her fiancee she knows the Lord will provide a way for her to keep this commandment. We then announced her baptism!

Monday night we got a phone call. Julian was on the other line. He says, "Bishop Kingsley gave me this number, I was wondering how I arrange a meeting with the missionaries." We pulled the car over, arranged a meeting, met him 45 minutes later, and invited him to be baptized. He is the boyfriend of a member of the ward, her name is Callie! She came to the lesson, too. He wants to know if the Church is true he says. But he doesn't have a belief that even God exists yet. So we taught him how to pray. Explaining to him that if there is a God he will answer your prayer, if not you've only wasted a few words. He called us yesterday and told us he prayed the other night until he fell asleep. He said when he woke up he had this weird desire to not drink tea of coffee anymore. He's still praying and we will meet with him again shortly. I"ll keep you updated.

Oh and Travis, the one who knows the Church is true because the Packers made it to the Super Bowl, he dropped us the other day. Said he had been going to another church and felt a good feeling there and no longer wanted to meet with us. He was doing so well. But something, the adversary in some form, got to him.

Okay, my hands are tired now from typing and my mind is exhausted from all this recollection. I hope these experiences somehow touch your lives as they have mine and that you can feel the Spirit of missionary work as you read them. This is the most joyful work in which I have ever participated. 

I love you all very much,

Elder Cronin

P.S. Any missionary experiences?

Ashley and her family

I'll explain later.............

Our giant pancake meal

Eric - the great example!!

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