Nevada Las Vegas Mission - Provo MTC, Elko, Las Vegas

While Elder Cronin is busy serving the Lord, and the people of the Nevada Las Vegas Mission, we will be busy keeping you all up to date on his adventures. Please visit often, we appreciate your support!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

June 2, 2011 - Que tal!!!!

To start, the book-ends are for Olivia. Happy Birthday! I hope they made it there in one piece. A member in the English Ward form Elko made them herself. Everything that was used to make them was found out in a small ghost town near Elko called Tuscaroura. Her name is Sister Simonee. I am so glad to hear you got to see the Neagles too! Let them know I said hello and I am forever grateful for their example and love.
So I have to tell you all abouot my testimony of patience. Almost 2 years ago I set out in Jackson MS looking for a pair of Nike HyperDunks size 14. I had exauhsted my search on the internet so it was time to hit the streets. I drove around Jackson and the outskirts of Clinton searching for these brand new shoes that held the promise of insane dunks and agility. Okay, I knew those skills did not come with the shoes, however, these were what I really wanted. After a few hours, a dozen phone calls, and no size 14 in any style anywhere I finally found a decent pair of low-end Nikes. I bought them and gave up on my search. Two weeks ago I walked into a Ross in Central Las Vegas. And to my surprise were the exact size HyperDunks I needed and at a fraction of what they would have cost me almost two years ago. Today my patience paid off and I am now the proud owner of some Nike HyperDunks. Patience is a virtue.
Okay, so how does that relate to me being a missionary. Really it does not. But it did add some excitement to my day today. You all have asked a few times about what it is like to serve around Hispanics in America. So let me clue you in:
The first thing I notcied is that there are people from all over here. I have met Mexicans from every region of Mexico, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, El Salvadoreans, Brazilians, African Americans, Caucasians, Asians, Indians, American Indians, Canadians, Germans, Islanders, English, Irish, Meanish and Nice-ish. And out of all of these cultures I have grown to love the HIspanic culture deeply. They are deeply rooted in the family and in the Catholic Church. We are working on the later. The Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles play a huge part in raising the kids. They are always willing to feed you and are more likely to talk to you than most others. They are still just as stand-off-ish as any other culture but they don't mind listening to you, for the most part. Most all the members of our ward are converts. Their stories are amazing. I have heard everything from someone being in the right place at the right time to them getting their heads bashed to the floor by a priest telling them to "Recieve the Spirit" before they found the church. They adore the missionaries. And the kids are adorable! They all speak English and Spanish and are so friendly. All the yound boys play soccer in the streets when they're not at school so sometimes we play with them. The sad thing about Las Vegas however is the education. It is one of the worst in the country. I don't know if it correlates directly but along with this there are many, too many, young girls 14 and up with kids already and no fathers. It is sad to see this over and over again. Kids Callie and Olivia's age with one and two children already. And unfortunalty they were those kids once too, having very young parents. And it seems the cycle just continues without any education about the importance of the Law of Chastity. But despite some struggles they are an amazing people. Always willing to work and to help and to be with their family.
The food we have been fed is awesome. I have gained a good 10 lbs since I got here. My Spanish is improving. But I still have so far to go. My goal is to not only be fluent in listening and speaking, but writing and reading as well. I am on 2 Nephi 28 and I am reading in Spanish. We will be finished with the Book of Mormon on September 27th. Can you believe that is just around the corner! I will have been out more than a year when that day comes. Ahhh! time is flying by so fast!
We will be coducting a fudneral tomorrow for one of our investigators and I will be dedicating the grave as well. I am excited for the opportunity because only a few of the family members are members of the church. We will have an opportunity to teach a very important principle about life and death to many who need to hear it tomorrow.
Callie- I love the picture from prom! That is priceless. Its good to see you setting a good example at the dances ;)
Olivia- I don't recognize you anymore. What happened to little cute Olivia, you're all grownup and gorgeous now!
Samuel- You are a beast! Nuff said.
I love you all and thank you so much for the package! I needed all those things!
Elder Cronin

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