Nevada Las Vegas Mission - Provo MTC, Elko, Las Vegas

While Elder Cronin is busy serving the Lord, and the people of the Nevada Las Vegas Mission, we will be busy keeping you all up to date on his adventures. Please visit often, we appreciate your support!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

December 26, 2011 What a Wonderful Time of the Year!!!!!

The Stratosphere

Some GOOD fast food -Tripay Cabeza!!!!

Teddy and Chemise


We pretty much covered everything on Skype yesterday, which was amazing!!!!!! The only things I wanted to say that I didn't is how much I love Elder Sparks!!! He is one of my new companions, Elder Gates will be leaving to serve in Lousiana here shortly and he is great too, but Elder Sparks is inspirational. I have searched my whole mission for ways to have fun doing the work. Up and to this point, I have not had a companion that thought that was possible, however, I did serve around other missionaries who did. So I knew it was possible. Elder Sparks is a hard worker, he has energy, a testimony, and loves the work, and he knows how to have fun. He is a blessing to me and we are having fun working together. We both love music and sports and we get along great. The other thing is that he is very logical and realistic. He is not fake and is very observant. I am learning alot from him. We compliment eachother very well too. I am 6'5" he is 5'6". :)
If you weren't there for the Skype call you missed out on a bunch! I love you all and it was so great to see my family. I have learned since serving the Lord that I have a family who loves me and cares for me. And I love and care for them in return. This is Christ's church, the Book of Mormon is true, and I have a strong testimony of my purpose here on this earth. May your Holiday's bring cheer and happiness, and may you constantly prayer, God wants to hear from you.
Elder Cronin

A missionary's Christmas

The Black Mountain Zone

Chia Korean Lunch

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