Nevada Las Vegas Mission - Provo MTC, Elko, Las Vegas

While Elder Cronin is busy serving the Lord, and the people of the Nevada Las Vegas Mission, we will be busy keeping you all up to date on his adventures. Please visit often, we appreciate your support!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012 Starting the Year Out RIght

In answer to your questions I am doing wonderful! I am still enjoying the work. I am staying in shape for the most part and am eating healthy. What more can I say :) The winter here, to sum it up in one word, would be: inconvenient. I like the heat to a certain extent. No I do not need anything from home, just your prayers and support. My companion is doing awesome! He is a wonderful teacher, outgoing, likes to exercise, loves the scriptures, and is a logical thinker. We get along great. I am learning many things from him. Proselyting is going wonderful! We have a baptism on Friday and another next Saturday. We are working a lot with the members ans seeking referrals from them. Contacting people in the street is not too effective here so the members provide our source of finding. We are meeting with members and teaching them the message of the restoration or simply bearing our testimonies to them as to why we are here serving. As we do that we help them to recognize the Spirit in their lives and the blessings from the gospel and then we ask for a referral. This is no different than what missionaries in the past have done so some members know what's coming. Often times even though they know what is coming they have not thought of anyone to share the gospel with or feel they don't know anyone. I hope that we are always thinking of how to share with others what has brought us so much happiness. They deserve it too!!! :)
The most interesting person I have yet to meet here in this area is Lance Burton...he has a house in our area. We meet wonderful people each day. The trick is trying to see their potential without judging them too quickly. I am learning how to master this...
So I just hopped on the U's website and guess who is President of the University of Utah!?!?!?!? Dr. Pershing!!!
Sorry for the short note. I will share more next week. I love you all and want you to know that I know that you should know that I know, knowingly knowing, that Jesus is the Christ.

Elder Cronin, Son, Brother, Cousin, Nephew, Grandson, Great-Grandson, and friend

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